Fievel Is Glauque

About Fievel Is Glauque

« Fievel Is Glauque primarily consists of multi-instrumentalist Zach Phillips and singer Ma Clément, but on stage they expand to become a massive band of revolving players. Their kaleidoscopic debut album God’s Trashmen Sent To Right The Mess weaves together recordings from roughly 30 musicians in five separate bands over 20 songs blending jazz-fusion, pop, lounge, and soul, but all of it fits together to create a single joyful vision. » Miles Bowes for Bandcamp album of the day


Here are Fievel Is Glauque's future concerts and where you can find them.

Next Concerts Dates



Fievel Is Glauque See it

Fievel Is Glauque-Flaming Swords

Vero molestiae sed aut natus excepturi. Et tempora numquam. Temporibus iusto quo.Unde dolorem corrupti neque nisi.



Fievel Is Glauque Check it out

Fievel Is Glauque-Flaming Swords

Vero molestiae sed aut natus excepturi. Et tempora numquam. Temporibus iusto quo.Unde dolorem corrupti neque nisi.

